PTU Tube used is called "Lollyta" by Arthur Crowe which can be purchased HERE
FTU scrap kit used is called "Swag Ally Blues" by Manipulated By Magik and can be found HERE
Template used is called "Template 193" by Gimptastic Tuts and can be found HERE
Font used is called "Simply Glamerous" FTU
**This tutorial is written with the understanding that the user has a good working knowledge of psp and the usage of it's various tools.**
Let's Begin:
Open a new workspace 700 X 500
Flood fill white
Open the Template, Delete the © layer and the Superstar wordart layer
Either flood fill or paste papers of choice into the various shapes
Tick the inside of the top rectangle with your magic wand
Paste your tubed image as a new layer
Selections, Invert, Delete
Tick the inside of the left rectangle with your magic wand
Paste the face of your tubed image as a new layer
Selections, Invert, Delete
Repeat this step with the other rectangle with the image mirrored
On the face layers apply Luminance Legacy in the layer palette
On the center rectangle image lower the opasity in the layer palette as desired
Merge the template
Copy and paste into the white workspace as a new layer
Delete the old template layer you are done with it
Paste Screw as a new layer
Resize 46%
Paste the the middle left
Image, Mirror
Place your tubed image as a new layer
Resize as needed
Place in the center
Paste Gangsta Word Art as a new layer
Place at the bottom
Paste the Hat as a new layer
Resize 31%
Place at the top of the last A in the word art
Paste Kitty 2 as a new layer
Resize 25%
Place at the bottom right
Paste the Martini as a new layer
Resize 28%
Place to the bottom left
Paste Smokes as a new layer
Resize 24%
Image, Free Rotate, Right 18
Place at the bottom right
Paste Sparkles as a new layer
Paste Glitter Stars as a new layer
Place at the top left
Send under everything
Move to the top right
Paste Dice as a new layer
Resize 23%
Place above the word art
X out the white background
Merge Everything
Adjust, Sharpen
Apply the appropriate © and watermark as desired
Save as a png for a transparent background
I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial, if you have any questions please feel free to email me
Thank you for this tut :)