Friday, January 31, 2014

Time For Love


  PTU tube used is called "Antoinne" by Alicia Mujica and can purchase it HERE 
  PTU scrap kit used is called "Hearts and Roses" by Amy Marie and can be purchased HERE
  Font used is called "Easy Rider" FTU

**This tutorial is written with the understanding that the user has a good working knowledge of psp and the usage of it's various tools.**

Let's Begin:

Open a new workspace 700 X 500
Flood fill white 
Paste Elem.93 as a new layer
Paste your tubed image as a new layer
Resize as needed
Place to the left
Paste Elem.80 as a new layer
Place at the bottom under tubed image layer
Send one ribbon to the bottom of everything
Choose the top ribbon and use your eraser tool to remove the ribbon covering the hearts
Paste Elem.63 as a new layer
Resize 46%
Place at the bottom left
Paste Elem.47 as a new layer
Send under everything and move to the right
Paste Elem.45 as a new layer
Resize 41%
Image, Free Rotate, Left 50
Place at the bottom left
Use your eraser tool to remove the chain at the top
Paste Elem.38 as a new layer
Resize 25%
Place at the bottom right
Paste Elem.11 as a new layer
Resize 68%
Image, Mirror
Place at the right side
Send under everything
Paste Elem.42 as a new layer
Resize 37%
Place at the bottom right
X out the white background
Merge Everything
Adjust, Sharpen
Apply the appropriate © and watermark as desired
Save as a png for a transparent background

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial, if you have any questions please feel free to email me

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